Our Services

Photo of Catawba Valley Animal Hospital building

Catawba Valley Animal Hospital, located in Hickory, North Carolina, has been operating as a full-service, small animal hospital since 1991. We offer comprehensive veterinary services including wellness care, preventative medicine, surgery, digital radiography, an in-house laboratory and pharmacy, K-Laser therapy, and dental care. We are dedicated to serving our community with the quality, compassionate care your pet needs to thrive. Maintaining a supportive environment that focuses on communication and education is our mission.

We look forward to you and your pets joining the Catawba Valley Animal Hospital family! We welcome you to contact us today.

Preventive and Wellness Care

Our doctors and support staff work together with owners to customize a plan for the individual pet based on their age and activities.  These plans may include physical exams, parasite detection, parasite prevention, vaccinations, and bloodwork. Meet our team

Learn more about wellness, detection and prevention:

Surgical Procedures

We have a fully equipped surgical suite that allows us to perform a wide variety of surgeries including spays, neuters, mass removals, exploratory laparotomy, amputations, and other soft tissue and orthopedic procedures.

Anesthesia is used to restrain and keep animals pain-free during surgical and dental procedures. We achieve this state with a combination of medicines. We individualize each anesthetic protocol to meet the needs of your pet. We also use careful monitoring to minimize the risk associated with anesthesia.

Dental Care

One of the most overlooked, but extremely important, aspects to your pet’s health is their dental care.  Unaddressed dental disease can lead to pain in your pet’s mouth, halitosis, and the potential to spread dangerous bacteria to the heart, kidneys, and other organs.  We have a state-of-the-art dental machine that allows us to get your pet’s teeth clean on the surface and under the gums. We are also equipped to perform extractions when needed.  The American Veterinary Dental College recommends annual cleaning for all pets over the age of three.


We have a digital radiography system that allows us to take radiographs (X-rays) and see the results within seconds. Radiographs can be useful in diagnosing many types of problems including musculoskeletal issues, heart and lung disease, gastrointestinal and abdominal problems.


Ultrasound in a non-invasive way to visualize the internal organs of your pet. This provides us with invaluable, in-depth information that allows us to diagnose and monitor many disease processes. We work with Dr. Sarah Cooper of Appalachian Veterinary Ultrasound to bring these services to you in our clinic. We have the ability to offer full abdominal ultrasounds, echocardiograms, pregnancy checks, bladder stone checks, and many other procedures.

K-Laser Therapy

The K-Laser is a Class IV therapeutic laser that uses specific wavelengths of light to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal. Laser treatment effects include improved healing times, reduction in pain and swelling, and increased circulation. The K-Laser is used to help treat a variety of conditions including surgical incisions, wounds, and osteoarthritis.

Visit our online pharmacy for convenient home delivery! 

We’ve partnered with Scratchpay to deliver affordable pet care to pet parents. With instant approvals and plans as low as 0% APR, difficult financial decisions don’t have to be difficult.

Appointments are preferred. Emergencies receive top priority and occasionally cause appointment delays. Pets can also be conveniently dropped off in the morning for a variety of treatments and procedures. The staff of Catawba Valley Animal Hospital would love to hear from you! Don’t hesitate to give us a call, stop by, or send us a message. 

© 2024 Catawba Valley Animal Hospital